Monday, March 16, 2009

Question - Week of 3/16

The first question comes from The Book of Horrible Questions by Smith and Doe. This one comes from Chapter 18, Life Choices.

This is multiple choice and you must pick either A, B or C.

Signing your read name and address, would you:
A. Write a threatening letter to Bill Clinton (thereby placing yourself on the FBI Watch List).
B. Write an erotically charged love letter to the most repulsive man or woman you work with.
C. Write to your parents confessing the truth about the most offensive sexual act you've ever engaged in.

If you are ashamed please comment anonymously!


Anonymous said...

Definitely A - I can deal with having the FBI on my case

testanator said...

Definitely B

Snake Child said...

Gotta go with C on this one. Studded leather necklace, mask with a zipper over the mouth, ball and dad would be proud!

Maxer said...

Ill take A - My family is in law enforcement, so I would only end up on probation....

Shana said...

Definitely B - 100%