Monday, March 23, 2009

Question - Week of 3/23

My next question comes from The Book of Horrible Questions by Smith and Doe. This one comes from Chapter 5, "Money Talks, Nobody Walks". (I switched up the options...)

The questions involves three different business propositions which you would receive money to do. You must choose one.

For $50,000, which would you do:
A. Eat a small cat turd in Macy's window
B. Take a full dump (including wiping) while on office-wide closed circuit TV
c. Masturbate and achieve climax in front of your boss

If you are ashamed please comment anonymously!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Question - Week of 3/16

The first question comes from The Book of Horrible Questions by Smith and Doe. This one comes from Chapter 18, Life Choices.

This is multiple choice and you must pick either A, B or C.

Signing your read name and address, would you:
A. Write a threatening letter to Bill Clinton (thereby placing yourself on the FBI Watch List).
B. Write an erotically charged love letter to the most repulsive man or woman you work with.
C. Write to your parents confessing the truth about the most offensive sexual act you've ever engaged in.

If you are ashamed please comment anonymously!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Virginity like bubble, one prick all gone.

This is my very first post.

I created this blog months ago but have since left it blank. I hope that all 5 of my followers can look past my slow progress... I was unable to post because I was afraid of committing to a topic. I wanted to write about something I knew I could stick with and wouldn't take too much time. I wasn't going to write about my life because I already lived it and I hate repeating myself.

(I am only writing this because I was told I should give a background, tell what this blog is about and how often I am going to be writing it.)

Background - A friend of mine is getting married and I am always asking him random questions that start off "What would you do if..." I then remembered about a book I haven't read in years. My desk keeps moving so I had it in a box filled with personal items that I refuse to unpack because I figure I will eventually be moving again. Anyway, I got it out and read him a few questions. I realized that I love questions about what people will do - especially if it concerns money!

Blog Subject - I will be asking a question of what would you do if a particular situation came up. Depending on how I am feeling, I may take a question from the book or I may be creative and come up with one on my own. The book is called The Book of Horrible Questions by Smith and Doe. The tagline reads Everyone Has a Price - What's Yours? I will let you know if the question is from the book or my own. Mine probably won't have a price tag on it though.

How Often - Again, I hate committing to a day and time but I am going to throw one out there. I hope I can stick to it. Let's go with every Monday before noon.

Look for my first question on Monday, March 16th!